Below are Web sites that can help you keep your facts and figures up to date. As you use these and other sites, keep in mind how that information fits back into your fundamental frames, so that it reinforces, not undermines, the "big ideas" you want to convey. (You can also click here to review the sources for facts and figures presented in the guide).
- The Citizens for Global Solutions is a grassroots organization that encourages nations work together to abolish war, protect our rights and freedoms, and solve the problems facing humanity that no nation can solve alone. It develops proposals for creating, reforming and strengthening international laws and institutions, and seeks to educate Americans about our global interdependence. Sign up for media alerts.
- The Global Policy Forum works to strengthen international law and create a more equitable and sustainable global society. GPF uses a holistic approach, linking peace and security with economic justice and human development, with a heavy emphasis on networking to build broad coalitions for research, action and advocacy. Sign up for a weekly newsletter.
- Good News Agency carries positive and constructive news from all over the world relating to voluntary work, the work of the United Nations, non governmental organizations, and institutions engaged in improving the quality of life.
- The United Nations Association of the USA (UNA-USA) is a leading center of policy research on the U.N. and global issues, UNA-USA offers Americans the opportunity to connect with issues confronted by the U.N.-from global health and human rights to the spread of democracy, equitable development and international justice. Through its work, UNA-USA educates Americans about the work of the United Nations, and encourages public support for strong U.S. leadership in the United Nations. Join the listserve or the interactive forum.
- The United Nations Foundation promotes a more peaceful, prosperous, and just world through the support of the United Nations and its Charter. Through grantmaking and by building new and innovative public-private partnerships, the Foundation acts to meet the most pressing health, humanitarian, socioeconomic, and environmental challenges of the 21st century. For daily news on the UN, see the UN Foundation's UN Wire and United Nations News Centre.