Below are Web sites that can help you keep your facts and figures up to date. As you use these and other sites, keep in mind how that information fits back into your fundamental frames, so that it reinforces, not undermines, the "big ideas" you want to convey. (You can also click here to review the sources for facts and figures presented in the guide).
- The Arms Control Association promotes public understanding of and support for effective arms control policies. Its magazine, Arms Control Today (ACT), provides policy-makers, the press and the interested public with authoritative information, analysis and commentary on arms control proposals, negotiations and agreements, and related national security issues.
- The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace's Nonproliferation Project conducts research, analysis, and networking on nonproliferation issues and maintains a comprehensive, searchable website featuring indexed issue backgrounders, news stories, opinion pieces, links to Congressional testimony and government speeches, recommended reading, and links to hundreds of nonproliferation resources.
- The Council on Foreign Relations' "Terrorism: Questions and Answers" helps to sort out questions pertaining to international terrorism in a format that is authoritative, easily understandable, and nonpartisan. It is researched, reported, written, and updated by the experts and nonpartisan staff of the Council on Foreign Relations, in consultation with a wide group of outside experts.
- The Stimson Center is devoted to enhancing international peace and security through a combination of analysis and outreach. The Center's vision is of "a world in which instruments of security cooperation and peace overtake historic tendencies toward conflict and war." It pursues this goal through work that is practical, nonpartisan, and oriented toward policy makers.