U.S. in the World - Talking Global Issues with Americans: A Practical Guide
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America's Role in the World (Tab 3)

Below are Web sites that can help you keep your facts and figures up to date. As you use these and other sites, keep in mind how that information fits back into your fundamental frames, so that  it reinforces, not undermines, the “big ideas” you want to convey.  (You can also click here to review the sources for facts and figures presented in the guide).




  • OneWorld U.S. Global Daily Headlines delivers articles on U.S. foreign policy and globalization, the environment, development, and human rights direct from over 1500 partner organizations working in the field across the globe. OneWorld's articles are archived, indexed and searchable by over 80 topics in every country and region.  Selected daily OneWorld news articles also appear on Yahoo News.



Note: Many of the sites below offer daily/weekly updates, email services, etc.
For analysis that spans progressive and conservative views:

  • The Brookings Institution  The Foreign Policy Studies program at the Brookings Institution conducts research and analysis designed to inform and shape the policy debate in the United States and abroad.
  • CIAO (Columbia International Affairs Online) is a database of international affairs research from 1991 including papers from universities and NGOs, proceedings from conferences, books, journals and policy briefs. CIAO also offers teaching materials including original case studies, course packs of background readings and more.
  • The Council on Foreign Relations (Q&A Issues page) is dedicated to producing and disseminating ideas so that policymakers, journalists, students, and interested citizens in the United States and other countries, can better understand the world and the foreign policy choices facing the United States and other governments.
  • The Foreign Policy Association is dedicated to inspiring the American public to learn more about the world. FPA provides independent publications, programs and forums to increase public awareness of, and foster popular participation in, matters relating to those policy issues.

For conservative viewpoints:

  • The American Enterprise Institute, is dedicated to preserving and strengthening the foundations of limited government, private enterprise, vital cultural and political institutions, and a strong foreign policy and national defense through scholarly research, open debate, and publications. The Institute publishes dozens of books and hundreds of articles and reports each year, and a policy magazine, The American Enterprise.
  • The Heritage Foundation’s mission is to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, and a strong national defense.

For progressive viewpoints:

  • Center for American Progress is a research and education institute dedicated to developing a long term vision of a progressive America, providing a forum to generate new progressive ideas and policy proposals, responding effectively and rapidly to conservative proposals and rhetoric with a thoughtful critique and clear alternatives, and communicating progressive messages to the American public.
  • IPS/FPIF, Foreign Policy in Focus, is a collaboration of the Interhemispheric Resource Center and the Institute for Policy Studies, seeks to make the U.S. a more responsible global leader and global partner. Unlike traditional think tanks, FPIF is committed to advancing a citizen-based foreign policy agenda--one that is fundamentally rooted in citizen initiatives and movements.

For libertarian viewpoints:

  • The Cato Institute seeks to broaden the parameters of public policy debate to allow consideration of the principles of limited government, individual liberty, free markets and peace. Toward that goal, the Institute strives to achieve greater involvement of the intelligent, concerned lay public in questions of policy and the proper role of government. The Institute undertakes an extensive publications program throughout the year dealing with the complete spectrum of public policy issues.

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